HOME Reviews How to find and buy good, high-quality, cheap phones to Aliexpress? What phones ...

In this article we will tell you how to choose the right phone on AliexpressAnd also which devices are sold here.

Aliexpress it is a giant platform that collected the best offers from Chinese vendors. And it is not surprising that goods from here are popular around the world, because today the Chinese have learned to create very high-quality products, not at all what they were before, and the prices for them are much lower than usual in stores. There are all buying, even the most penny little things for five rubles, but we will talk about phones.

Very often users are interested in how to choose the phone on Aliexpressand what can be found here at all. In addition, many still doubt the quality, because the price is much lower than usual. Although, this is normal and you should not be afraid of it. You may not know, but even Apple gadgets are going to China.

If you have not yet had to meet with this site and you have heard about it at all for the first time, then you will definitely need to explore our article for beginners by reference here. She tells in detail what to get started with AliexpressAnd also teach you to make orders correctly.

Should I buy a phone for Ali Spress?

Should I buy a phone for Ali Spress?

Should I buy a phone for Ali Spress?

Range Aliexpress quite diverse in terms of phones. Here you can acquire gadgets of almost any brand, and not only such that everyone has a hearing, but also a little-known Chinese. It is worth noting that it is Chinese brands that have a very low cost, and in return you get the characteristics even worse than the flagships.

You should also know that companies like Samsung, Apple, LG, Nokia from China are not officially sold, so, in most cases you will receive either a high-quality copy or an already used phone. But if you choose a suitable model in the section Tmall, That's where the originals will be, as they are officially shipped from Russia.

As for such popular Chinese brands like Xiaomi, Jiayu, Zte, Cubot, Doogee, Thl, Coolpad, Huawei, you can safely buy them, since the chance to run into the fake practically zero, because it is already originally Chinese production.

Of course, on Aliexpress you can even buy, the main thing is to choose the seller. If he is really honest and sells quality products, you will not have any problems.

How to find and buy good phones on Aliexpress?

You must understand that despite the fact that opposite your smartphone or phone on Aliexpressa famous brand is written, it will not always be the original and not even a fact that a high-quality copy. As we said, it depends on the seller and here it is necessary to approach the choice very responsibly. Moreover, it is important to carefully examine the goods itself, as well as read the description, reviews, if possible, ask the seller to send real photos. In other words, you need to collect as much information about the seller and the product. Then everything will be fine.

In addition, you can use the filters on the site and set them, for example, by the number of orders or by the seller rating. As practice shows, this approach greatly simplifies the choice.

Xiaomi phones on Aliexpress



If you need an inexpensive and high-quality smartphone, then pay attention to the gadgets from Xiaomi.. The company is characterized by creating high-quality gadgets at competitive prices. Their technical characteristic every time is increasingly happy, and the price is still low.

Xiaomi. - This is one of the unique manufacturers, since the company's assortment has not only phones, but also various gadgets for home and everyday life. Moreover, it enjoys great demand in different countries, so it should not even doubt whether to buy a smartphone from this manufacturer.

On Aliexpressthe choice of buyers presents different smartphones of this manufacturer. Although, recently they say that finding them difficult. In any case, if you type the "Phone" in the search bar, and then from the list of brands to choose the desired one, then all available offers will be displayed.



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Cheapest phones on Aliexpress

Cheap phones to Aliexpress

Cheap phones to Aliexpress

To find the cheapest phones on Aliexpressit is enough to use small tricks. First, in the catalog you can put sorting for the price, ascending. That is, the cheapest models will be displayed first.

Choice of prices

Choice of prices

If you are interested in some kind of specific price range, then for you there is a small window "Price"where the minimum and maximum cost is installed.

It is worth noting that it is additionally better to choose and free shipping. This will also save well.

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Renovated phones, Smartphones on Aliexpress

Renovated telephone

Renovated telephone

As you can already guide the name - these are phones after repair. Yes, on Aliexpressthere are not very much such, but still they are. By the way, do not think that they are bad. The fact is that some sellers buy phones and, if they have flaws, they eliminate them, and then sell them. As for the option, during the use of the smartphone after the purchase, the buyer had a warranty case and he sent a purchase to the seller, refusing her. The seller receded the phone and put it on sale again.

The beauty of such phones is that their price is significantly lower than new, but again the seller must be reliable, otherwise you risk instead of working device to get the most real "brick".

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Phones with a good battery for Aliexpress



If you look back for a couple of years ago, at that time most manufacturers made the main emphasis when creating smartphones for RAM and processor, but today they changed the capacious batteries. This is a very important characteristic, but it is so simple in filters on Aliexpressnowhere is not specified. So you have to look for yourself. As a rule, the tank is considered a battery that has a capacity of at least 3000 mAh.

For example, smartphones from the Chinese manufacturer are at the very moment. Oukitel.. All its devices are created just with a focus on high battery capacity. The maximum value at the moment is 10,000 mAh.

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Push-button phones on Aliexpress

Push-button phone

Push-button phone

Today, there are still those who are more likely simple phones with buttons, but the main problem is that they are not so much sold in ordinary stores. What to do? The answer is simple - search for Aliexpress. Here in the catalog presents a variety of phones with buttons, both shockproof and just beautiful. There are devices with large buttons, a camera, and some even a touchscreen display. So just go and see for yourself.

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Shockproof phones on Aliexpress

Shockproof phone

Shockproof phone

The phones themselves are rather fragile and, if you do not care, it is not very neat, then cracks appear on the screen, the housing or they break at all. Therefore, if you are afraid that your phone will fall and break, they buy him a protective case or immediately acquire such a device that has additional protection. On Aliexpressmany interesting models are represented, and these are not only push-button phones. It can be smartphones. Bright representatives of shockproof smartphones are brand devices BlackView..

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MEIZU phones on Aliexpress



Smartphones Meizu.they are the main competitors of Xiaomi. Moreover, these are also Chinese production gadgets. All models are distinguished by a low cost with excellent specifications. On Aliexpressyou will find a large catalog of different models at competitive prices. According to some buyers, the difference with conventional prices can reach several thousand rubles.

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Samsung phones on Aliexpress



Smartphones and phones from Samsungpopular worldwide. In greatest demand, they use Aliacpressbut, as we have already spoken at the very beginning of the article, the originals you can hardly find here, except in the section Tmall. In any case, you can purchase and very high-quality copies, but just do not forget about the careful choice of the seller.

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Mini Phones on Aliexpress

Mini phone

Mini phone

Is on Aliexpressand miniature phones. Surely, you already met. For example, the screenshot shows the phone model. It seems to be usual, that's just its size even less ballpoint pen. There are similar devices at all inexpensively and are in great demand among those who do not need any additional features and do not want to take a big phone.

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How to find and buy a good mobile phone, smartphone on Aliexpress with a discount, free shipping?

Surely, you heard that Aliexpressyou can receive additional discounts on your purchases, that's just about the way you did not tell you. Let's correct the situation and briefly consider how Aliexpress you can buy a phone with a discount.

  • Mobile app. If you make purchases from the phone, then you have a real chance to get an additional discount of up to 5%. This is done to attract more people to shopping from the phone, and for you this is an additional benefit. In addition, there is such an interesting section as "Freebie". It constantly played goods, every day they change. Often, smartphones come across among them. So participate in the draw and get a chance to pick up the phone just 1 cent! In addition, you can always go to the section Mobile Bonuses and every day collect coins that can be changed for discount coupons.
  • Free shipping. Yes, it is more expedient to choose for purchases that is free shipping, as then it turns out that you will not take anything to send the parcel. To view all offers with free shipping, under the search bar mark the filter with the same name:
Free shipping

Free shipping

  • Shares of seller. Often you can find discounts and individual sellers. To do this, open any smartphone store and go to the tab. "Stock". You will immediately become available all products with discounts, as well as coupons that the seller gives discounts in the store. For more information about all methods for receiving coupons, read here.
Store stock

Store stock

  • Sales. Every day a lot of interesting, including smartphones, can be found in such sections as - "Fast transactions", "Burning goods" And even sometimes the phone can be tried to have to buy for sale "Almost free". These are permanent shares that simply eat and they are not even advertised. It is also worth highlighting the main page. AliexpressSince it in the middle there is an advertising unit, telling about current discounts on the site:


Aliexpress it can boast of both a considerable amount of large sales passing throughout the year. You can get acquainted with their schedule here. It is also worth noting that on the eve of each such action, advertising is always launched on the site, and coupons, bonuses and gifts are actively distributed, so for a couple of weeks before the sale, go around Aliexpress for discounts.

  • Cachek. You can get cachek on Aliexpressfor every purchase. This feature is available thanks to special services. Your task is to go in one of them to register and receive discounts. About what cachek is and how they are correct to use we told here.

Best sellers and shops for the sale of phones and smartphones to Aliexpress

Aliexpressit differs from other online stores in that there are thousands of sellers from China, and more recently also from Russia. All of them offer a different range, but very often happens that the same goods come across the same goods. It is absolutely normal, that's just here it is worth learning to understand where the high-quality thing, and where - no. And it largely depends on the seller itself, so you need to learn how to choose also shopping shopping. Understand this question will help our article - "Who is better to buy on Aliexpress?".

Just below, we picked up for you the most reliable and time-tested stores, where you can buy a quality phone, smartphone at a bargain price:

Reviews of phones and smartphones with Aliexpress

Maria: Super phone. In our stores for a couple of thousand exactly more expensive and they do not differ. It turns on quickly, but only you need to remove the film from the battery. It works very quickly, the camera is good, the sound is loud. Almost half charged, so I am pleased with everyone. Many thanks!

Victoria: The seller, unfortunately, sent not the color of the phone that she asked, but did not argue because of this, since the price on the other is the same, and in general it is cool. As for the characteristics, I do not particularly understand them, I took that I like it, but at a price quite adequately, it works fine and does not hang. The camera and sound are good. I am very pleased!

Anton: The smartphone came quickly, although not without jambs. The packaging was damaged, and in the kit there are no headphones, although they were described. The seller was well done, did not argue, sent headphones, so waiting for their receipt. Maintenance and telephone satisfied!

Video: Unpacking a class phone with Aliexpress

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