HOME. Reviews The status of sending "Error when receiving the parcel" to Aliexpress - what does it mean? Comes ...

Sometimes buyers Aliexpress You have to deal with different unexpected status when delivering parcels. We will talk about one of them in our article.

All buyers on Aliexpressactively followed by their orders and track the parcels, but sometimes there are unpleasant situations that are forced to think about what they mean. In particular, many are concerned about the fact that when tracking suddenly appears the status - "Error when receiving a parcel". Is it worth worrying if such status appeared and what to do with it? Let's figure it out further.

For each novice on Aliexpressit is important to figure out not only in the status of parcels, but in general, how to make orders. If you have not even been registered or just try to understand the features of the shopping, then learn the article by link.

What does the status of "Error when receiving the parcel" on AlExpress?



So, immediately dare you to assure that if you met such status on Aliexpress, it does not mean anything terrible. In this case, it is just an error in translation, because all the statuses handles the roadbreaker and sometimes it is mistaken. In fact, the status sounds like "WAITING FOR PICKUP". It means that the parcel is expected in the mail, that is, it has not yet been sent or already on the way to the sorting center, where it will be registered and the status will change.

Basically, for this you need to wait a few days so that postal employees manage to process the parcel and register it. If you are too worried, you can contact the seller and ask him what's the thing.

Video: Tracking parcel from China. Parcel statuses on Aliexpress

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