HOME No rubric The status of sending "Export of International Mail" to Aliexpress - what it means ...

When tracking parcels on Aliexpress very often the statuses are replaced and it is not always clear what and which means. In this article, we will get acquainted with such status as " Export Of International Mail.

If Aliexpress for you, a completely unknown site and you do not know how to make orders on it, we recommend to get acquainted with the article by reference here. She will tell you how to create a new page, find goods and make an order.

What does the status of "Export of International Mail" on Aliexpress and how is it translated?



If you translate the status in question into Russian, then it will sound like "Export of international shipments". This suggests that your order with Aliexpress he went from China to your country. In other words, the goods are preparing for sending to your country.

It is worth noting that often the parcels hang in this status for a month, or even more. It is not necessary to be afraid, since such delays for China have long become the norm, especially if the goods go to Russia.

In addition, there is another nuance. The problem is that while the parcel is not registered in your country, then you will not recognize where it is at the moment and what service is responsible for it. As we said, when the status appears "EXPORT OF INTERNATIONAL MAIL" The parcel is only preparing to be sent, but for sure to say, sent it to you or she is only waiting for a queue - it is impossible.

What if you do the status of "Export of International Mail" for Aliexpress?

If your parcel with Aliexpress dependent in the status " Export Of International Mail, so far there are no reasons for experiences. As a rule, in most cases, after a couple of weeks, goods continue to move and come to the destination. But if two months have passed, and the parcel is not moving, then ask the seller to find it. Chances of further motion, though it is small, but they are.

Among other things, the dispute still does not make sense to open, because for this you need to wait until the order protection is almost over, especially since the track number began to be tracked, then you can not be put as a reason - the lack of tracking information.

Video: Tracking parcel from China. Aliexpress.com |

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