In this article we will talk to how to use the English version Aliexpress.

English is one of the international languages \u200b\u200band is used in almost every sphere of our life. So does not surprise at all the fact that on the Chinese site Aliexpressit is used precisely as the main one. Since the playground is somewhat focused on Russian-speaking users, it was created specifically for them version in Russian. Let's talk to you, what is different English Aliexpress from Russian.

If you are not at all familiar with this platform, we recommend further learning an article for beginners by reference here. She tells in detail how to register, make your first order and track it.

How to go to Aliexpress in English?

English aliexpress

English aliexpress

In general, to go to the English version Aliexpress just enter in the address bar browser address aliexpress.com. Previously, the transition was carried out without problems, but at the moment, when entering the site, the Russian version immediately opens, if, of course, you are from Russia.

Therefore, you can get into the English site somewhat differently. To do this, on the right above on the main page you need to choose "Go to Global Site".

Transition to the English version

Transition to the English version

After that, the page will be updated and you will get the desired language.

What is English aliexpress?

Now let's talk about the main features Aliexpress in English:

  • The names of goods are shown without additional processing by the translator, and therefore it is much more convenient to understand what is specifically offered by the seller
  • Here they are indicated the same prices, ratings and reviews, that is, they will be in English, but in general, nothing else changes
  • When you try to search for goods through the search string in Russian, nothing will be found to you, so the names will have to write in English. If you are unknown translation, then use any service, for example, Google Translator
  • Categories are somewhat different - depending on the popularity

So, if in Russia more preferred clothes, accessories, electronics and automobiles, the English-speaking users choose the electronics, clothing, accessories, home and garden goods.

Men's and women's clothing for Aliexpress in English

In general, of course, everything is presented here as in the Russian version Aliexpress. For example, women have in great demand. Dresses, blouses, shirts, swimsuits, t-shirts, T-shirts and overalls are used. Next, other categories are already in popularity.

Clothes on Aliexpress

Clothes on Aliexpress

It is said that it is much more convenient to buy wedding outfits in the English version, since their cost is much lower than in ordinary stores.

Men also do not extend and presented a huge selection of suitable clothing for them. If you think men pay less attention to their appearance than women, then you are very mistaken.

The order and payment process itself is identical as in the Russian version, so you can not be afraid and buy as usual.

Sizes of clothing for Aliexpress in English

It is worth separately saying about choosing sizes. The fact is that in most part Chinese sellers work, respectively, the dimensional grids are provided with appropriate. At the same time, the sizes of the Chinese differ significantly from European and Russian, so you should always pay attention to the measurements that are presented in the tables. Often the difference between your and Chinese sizes can be 1-2 points.

Female sizes

Female sizes

Male sizes

Male sizes

How to choose the right size to tell you our article by reference here. But, if you still doubt the correctness of your choice, then better contact the seller and ask you to advise you.

Yes, of course, if you know English, then use Aliexpressit is in this language that will be convenient for you, because here you definitely do not meet the unusual names of goods that do not always even displays the essence of what you are going to buy.

Video: Aliexpress in English Official site

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