HOME Novikom The money is not returned after the dispute, the cancellation of the order to Aliexpress is what to do? ...

In this article we will find out what to do if with Aliexpress Do not come money after return.

System Aliexpress It has a rather complicated device and even experienced buyers know not all about it. Sometimes users face such a situation that after closing the dispute or cancellation of the order, money is not returned to the account. What is it connected with and what to do in such a situation? Let's find out.

If you are still new to Aliexpress and never here did not make purchases, then we recommend reading the article by link. In it, you will find all the information necessary for beginners.

When can you return money from Aliexpress?



There are several different situations when you can return money from Aliexpress:

  • The order is canceled before sending it. In this case, you send a special request to the seller with a request to cancel the order. If the seller has not sent a parcel yet, then he must accept the request.
  • The seller did not have time to submit an order on time. As a rule, if the seller did not meet the setting deadline for sending the order, it automatically closes, and the buyer returns money.
  • The dispute is closed in favor of the buyer. If the buyer opened a dispute with a full or partial return request and it was closed in his favor, then the money will be returned to the buyer.
  • The order is closed because of the seller's fraud. If the seller fell in the field of view of the administration AliexpressSince I made some actions that violate the rules of the site, all of its orders are frozen. For seven days, the seller must pass a special check. If this does not happen, then all orders are closed, and money returned to buyers.

How will I be returned with aliexpress money? How did you see a refund with Aliexpress?

To find out whether you are returned to money with Aliexpress:

  • Go to "My orders" and click on the contact "More"
  • Next go to the tab "Payment"
Placo Tab

Placo Tab

In this tablet, you can see the basic information about the operations in the order, including whether there was a refund and how much. Usually enrollment of funds at the expense of the client is carried out in 7-15 days. Although, as practice has shown, this term is usually significantly less.

What if the money with Aliexpress did not come?

If all acceptable return time with Aliexpress Already came out, but you didn't wait for money, then first look at the report on the operations of your card or e-bill. Sometimes the operation is carried out by rear and SMS admission notification does not come. You must also remember that banking operations are reflected in the statement in a couple of days, so it is better to contact the department directly and find out, it was enrollled or not.

What if you have to come with Aliexpress, and the card has been changed?

There are such cases when, during the waiting for the order, the client has lost the card or it ended the validity period. After receiving a new card, its requisites changed, but it took to make a refund with Aliexpress. What to do? After all, money will come to the account from which payment was made?

In fact, worry about nothing. At least when paying purchases on Aliexpress And the map number and other details are specified, the return in any case is carried out by the account number, which does not change even when replacing the card. So the money in any case will come to you.

Can Aliexpress not return the money?

If you have been returned with funds with AliexpressIt does not even matter for what reason, then the money in any case should be obtained by you. Yes, extremely rarely there are situations where money hangs in the system, and this can be like Aliexpressand bank. So, if you suddenly found yourself in such a situation, you first write to the support service AliexpressAnd if everything is fine on their part, then you need to contact a bank or payment system where money should return.

Aliexpress - What if you did not return the money?


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