"Delivery Failed" - What is the status of tracking on Aliexpress? How is "Delivery Failed" translated on Aliexpress to Russian?
In this article we will talk about the status of tracking the sending "Delivery Failed" Aliexpress.
Very often when tracking parcels with Aliexpressnewbies are lost. This is especially true of various statuses. Each company may differ. Here it is even more lost is not from quantity, but from what you do not know what it means. One of these statuses is "Delivery Failed".
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What does the "Delivery Failed" sending status mean to Aliexpress?
If you saw this status on Aliexpress, you should not be afraid. Yes, his literal translation into Russian sounds like "Delivery failed". What does this mean?
When the parcel S. Aliexpress Comes to the separation of the recipient and postal workers sent notifications several times, but no one came by the goods, then this status is set. If you hit a similar situation, then simply contact the post office and take the parcel. As a rule, it will be stored for a month or even more. It all depends on the postal officers.
There is such a status and at the courier delivery, if the courier could not reach the client or the meeting was transferred several times. Then the parcel goes to a special warehouse where it is stored for some time. To get a product in this case, contact the company's support service that is responsible for your cargo and agree on the delivery method.