Aliexpress in Crimea - how to fill in the address of the delivery? An example of completing the delivery address to Aliexpress for the Crimea: Sample
When filling out the address of the delivery on Aliexpress, many users of the Crimea are experiencing some difficulties. In this material we will analyze how to correctly fill the delivery address on Aliexpress.
Aliexpressattracts residents of different countries, and these are not only wholesale buyers, but those who want to buy for themselves. After the Crimea has become part of Russia, the inhabitants of the peninsula have certain problems in terms of registration and purchases on Aliexpress. But today many problems have already been solved, in terms of payment, and delivery too. In this material we will talk about the correctness of completing the delivery address on Aliexpress for residents of Crimea.
If you are not even registered on this site, we recommend that you read the article "How to register for Aliexpress?".
In what language to write the address to Aliexpress in the Crimea?
Generally, Aliexpressthe Chinese playground itself, but since not everyone knows the Chinese language and the platform decided to conquer the international market, it was decided to use English. Thus, all the communication of the seller and the buyer, as well as all customer data indicated in English, and to be more accurate, then in Latin, when Russian words are written by English letters.
Yes, undoubtedly, you can say that once there is a translation into Russian, you can write on it. But you will be wrong. Undoubtedly, the Russian translation is available, but it has been made so that Russian-speaking users it is easier to contact the site, especially Russian buyers at the moment at the site as it were in priority. However, this does not change that all data is entered in English.
If you do not know how to correctly enter data on Latin, you can use a special online translator. It is called
Use it is very easy and simple. Open the main page and in a large empty window, enter the name and shipping address completely. Then click "In translite" And copy information.
How to choose delivery to the Crimea to Aliexpress?
During the completion of the address, Crimean residents may encounter one complexity. The fact is that the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation is usually chosen on Aliexpress from the drop-down list in the string " Edge / Region / Region ». Yes, it would be possible to choose the Crimea in the list, but only if it were. Therefore, in this case, the question arises - how to choose the Crimea on Aliexpress?
Do not worry. In the most drop-down list, instead of the region, choose "Other"But at the same time you can add the name of the area into the string with the city, through the comma. This will also be right.
By the way, many Crimean buyers who have long ordered on Aliexpress, advise to write a city, and especially with an error. It is said that so the product comes faster. Here are some examples how others do.
How to Fill the Address of Delivery to Aliexpress in the Crimea: Sample
Above we already told how to choose the right Crimea on AliexpressBut first it is necessary to open a form for entering a new address. To do this, go to "MY ALIEXPRESS" and select from the list on the left "Delivery Addresses".
Next, click on the button to enter a new address and you will open a fill form. In the finished form, it looks like this:
As can be seen in the sample, in a row with the region, we have chosen "Other"And the city itself is written with an error.
Otherwise, the process is no different from the usual completion of the address.
- First you need to specify your name. Write them completely, because according to the rules of customs, the parcels are not missing without patience
- Next, choose the country from the drop-down list and in the next line write your address
- In the line with the postal index, enter the current information, since the indices have been changed at the Crimea. If you do not know what you need to specify, then look it on the site Russian Post
- In the last line we enter a mobile phone number
- To complete the operation, check the mark in front of the string "Use default"so that the address is selected automatically and save the filled form
That's all! Now you can freely order goods and be sure that they will reach you. By the way, if on Aliexpressyou are a novice, we advise you to further read the article "How to learn to buy for Aliexpress?". She will tell you in detail how to shop at this large platform.
Video: shipping address. Republic of Crimea. Aliexpress.