Does it be necessary to register with Aliexpress for shopping? How to place an order for Aliexpress without registration?
In this material we will tell, is it possible to buy on Aliexpress Goods without registration, as well as how to do it.
Aliexpress a huge floor on the Internet, where you can buy any goods. Many users are interested, is it possible to place orders without registration? Let's figure it out in this matter.
Is it possible to buy for an aliexpress without registration?

How to buy for Aliexpress without registration?
Aliexpressvery careful about every client and provides him with decent protection against fraud. So if you wondered the purchase on this site without registration, then you can't do that, since then the administration will not be able to provide you with a safe deal, and you, in turn, can not see the history of orders or discover the dispute, Neither chat with the seller, in general, nothing.
So is it worth trying to buy on Aliexpress without registering? Probably not. In any case, you can always enter the site through your page on the social network Facebook or Vkontakte. In addition, access is available and through the Google account. In this case, you simply allow the site system access to your account, and do not pass the usual registration.
Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to buy on Aliexpress without registration, unambiguous - no, it is impossible. All you can see the product catalog and add them to the basket, but when trying to place an order, the system will still ask you to go to your account.
How to buy for Aliexpress without registration?
As we have already said to buy on Aliexpresswithout registration it will not work. Therefore, you still have to start your page. In fact, it is not at all difficult. Well, in extreme cases just enter through social networks. If you doubt whether it is worth buying at Aliexpress and register, then learn our article - "What is Aliexpress and whether to buy here?". In addition, it will also be useful for you to read for beginners about how to use the site. She is on the link here.
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