What products to Aliexpress are the most expensive: review, list
In this article we will tell you which products on Aliexpress are the most expensive.
As everyone knows Aliexpressit is a very popular site due to low prices, but not every thing matches this policy. And this is a normal situation, since the amount of products every day is only increasing.
Therefore, we decided in this article to talk not about cheap things on the site, but on the contrary, expensive. All of them are little similar to those, but the price still makes you think why it is just like that.
If with Aliexpressnever worked never, but you really want to get acquainted with the assortment or buy something, then we recommend that you read our article for beginners by reference here.
The most expensive goods for AlExpress
1. kettle from Isinsk clay hand painted and 3 cups

Ceramic kettle
This kettle has a cost of about 200 thousand rubles. This is a kind of relic, and therefore the cost is high. It is not a fact that tea in it is more delicious and useful, but still this model is very expensive.
2. Natural leather bag crocodile

Crocodile bag
This is a model from Zya. It is made of genuine crocodile skin. It is the material that plays a decisive role in the cost, which is more than 680 thousand rubles. We must pay tribute to the manufacturer, since the accessory looks impressive. Although the price tag surprises no less.
3. Flute from sterling silver

Silver flute
This is a real silver flute. Its price is more than 200 thousand rubles. According to the manufacturer, it is made by 99.9% of silver.
4. Knife from Damask Steel

Steel knife
This knife is designed for cooking and is made from Swedish Damask Steel. That's just for its cost of 123 thousand rubles somehow they no longer want to cook. In any case, this product can be saved in your collection.
5. Wireless Bluetooth keyboard for gadgets

Wireless keyboard
The view is the usual keyboard for the smartphone, tablet and computer, but despite this price is 83 thousand rubles. Immediately appears in the head the question - what is so exclusive in it?
6. Diamond Ring

White Gold Ring
Staryee stands out among competitors with its exceptional ring of white gold with a diamond. Price on Aliexpressimpressive - 1 million 400 thousand rubles.
7. Park with a lamb lining

Park with natural lining
This is a very warm bilateral park with a lining of real wool lambs. This model protects perfectly from any bite frost. That's just to please yourself with such a purchase will have to lay out 43 thousand rubles!
8. Printer for printing Tensions from gilded foil

Printer for embankments
Such printers are on Aliexpressalmost 110 thousand rubles! But this is quite normal price, especially if you compare it with other models that are intended for printing from non-standard materials.
9. Square for a wig

Bag for wigs
This product is surprised even with its destination, but no less interesting and cost - 122 thousand rubles. Most likely, this bag is very comfortable for storing wigs, since its value is so high.
10. Armor Knight

Knight armour
These are the most real armor that cost 122 thousand rubles. They are used as a details for films or cosplay images. This cost is due to the fact that the product is made very high quality and from natural materials.
11. Evening lace dress

Lace dress
This luxury dress is completely made of lace. It is not just beautiful, but also expensive. On Aliexpressit is presented at a price of 194 thousand rubles. At the same time, the seller offers a choice of several colors.
12. Electric guitar

Electric guitar
Derulo has created an electric guitar from a natural material. It is distinguished by high sound quality and the assembly. Despite this, not everyone is ready to give 200 thousand rubles for such a thing.
13. Machine for cutting fiber

Machine for cutting optical fiber
This tool is designed for production. Although it can be used at home. But is it worth it? After all, the cost of the device is 340 thousand rubles.
14. Solar panels and a device for accumulation of charge

Solar panels
This set is really the necessary thing, as it allows you to provide a house with electricity, where there is no room near the power line. However, the cost of such an apparatus is 557 thousand rubles.
15. Safety Deposit Box Watching

Wardrobe safe
Momodesigns presented a wardrobe on sale, which has a safe with a reliable lock. Not only the safe itself, but also its cost is 735 thousand rubles.
16. Chinese Ceramics Vase

Ceramic vase
This vase is really the most real work of art, and therefore the cost of its 1.2 million rubles. It is made on all Chinese traditions, and ceramics were used as the main material.
17. Printing machine

Offset printing machine
This is an original printed machine. It is controlled by a computer. You can purchase such a miracle for 1.225 million rubles. It may seem incomprehensible to generally assign the apparatus itself, but no less questions and the price causes.
18. Leather furniture

Genuine Leather Furniture
Most likely, the procare, which is the manufacturer, thinks that people live in castles, as it introduced a set of leather chairs and sofas in the spirit of antiquity. Yes, and the price is like antiques - 2 million rubles.
19. Chinchilla Coat

Male coat
Male coat made of natural fur chinchillas is not only beautiful, but also striking at the cost of 5.7 million rubles. Sometimes the seller provides a discount, but still it is not so big.
20. Automatic massage chair

Massage chair
JinkaiRui introduced the world a chair for massage its production, which is fully automatic. It is very convenient, especially if you consider that high quality materials, and the functions are huge. The cost of the chair is approximately 232 thousand rubles.
How to find and buy the most expensive goods on Aliexpress for sale, with a discount?
Although we are talking about the most expensive goods on AliexpressBut this does not mean that they can not get a discount.
First, let's figure it out with delivery. Is it possible to get a dear product with free shipping? As a rule - no. The fact is that the price of the goods is very high and it is impractical to send it with free way, you never know what can happen. In any case, you can save in other ways.
The first method is large sales. During their holding, discounts are provided by almost all goods, including the most expensive. Find out when and what sale is held you can in the article on the link here.
Second way - coupons. Yes, they will not give a big discount, but at least the delivery can be repulsed in most cases. You can view the available coupons on the page with a detailed description of the product in the string. "Seller shares".

The third way is Cashback. It can be obtained special services. The most profitable and popular services we described here.