Men's clothing for Aliexpress - how to determine the size? Translation of international, American, European and Chinese sizes of men's clothing for Aliexpress to Russians: Table
Many men buy clothes on AliexpressBut not everyone knows how to choose the right size. We will answer this question in our article.
On Aliexpressyou can buy any clothes, starting with the underwear and ending with the upper clothes. However, many buyers stop the need to choose the size, since it is impossible to measure the products. Therefore, not to be disappointed in the purchase, some simply prefer them to do not. Actually in determining the size on Aliexpress there is nothing complicated. In this article, we will analyze how to determine the sizes for men.
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Dimensions of men's clothing for Aliexpress American, Russian, European, Chinese and international: Table
On Aliexpresspresented men's clothing in assortment. There is everything that can be needed. Depending on the type of clothing selected, dimensional tables are different. We present you below. Each of these indicates dimensions in accordance with standard parameters.
Men's suits
It is important to know that every Chinese manufacturer has its own dimensional mesh, according to which the pattern itself is created. Therefore, if there are no parameters in the table to which one or another corresponds, then better write to the seller and ask you to help you.
It is worth noting the fact that Chinese manufacturers often indicate the tables on Aliexpressnot simple parameters like waist girth, hips, and so on, and just a weight ratio and growth.
Men's jackets and men's outerwear
Standard table determination of the size of the upper men's clothing on Aliexpresslooks like that:
Men's T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, sweaters, sweatshirts, T-shirts
Men's shirts are distinguished by the fact that they have a separate table to determine the size, since the volume of the neck is still important.
Do not be afraid to never ask the sellers that you are not entirely clear, since only they are guaranteed to select the exact size for you and then buying on Aliexpress You definitely will not disappoint.
As for the rest of the top - T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts and sweatshirts, then for them the size table is identical:
Basically, all Chinese sellers exhibit sizes, focusing on European sizes.
Sometimes you can see these parameters: 180 / 118-122 (XL) 50. It is deciphered so - first indicates the growth for which the thing is suitable, then weight. XL denotes the Chinese size to which the indicators correspond, and 50 is American.
Men's pants and shorts
To select classic trousers on Aliexpress Such a sign is suitable:
As you can see, below are sizes with the letter L and numbers next. To decipher them, you will be useful than:
Big sizes
As everyone knows, the Chinese are distinguished by a small complex, and therefore they do not often produce large-sized clothing. Nevertheless, you can find such clothes. To do this, use filters from the left in the catalog Aliexpressor in the request to the name of the clothes add "plus size".
As you can see, if you carefully examine the tables, it will not be so difficult to determine the dimensions. The main thing to remove your measurements and substitute them in the signs.