How to arrange and pay a customs duty for customs clearance of goods from China with Aliexpress in Russia, what documents do you need? What is the amount of customs duty with parcels with Aliexpress in Russia in 2021?
If you buy a lot on Aliexpress, it is sooner or later to come across that it is necessary to customize the goods. But how to do it and how much you pay, our article will tell.
Daily by Aliexpressmore and more buyers appear. All of them come with different purposes: someone just like buying on the Internet, someone wants to find a specific product that is not sold in stores. Moreover, favorable cost, free shipping and permanent sales are attracted by entrepreneurs.
Such buyers buy a lot and large parties, but just do not everyone know how to customize the goods correctly, because there are certain purchase restrictions. If the client acquires a product for an amount that exceeds customs limits, then additionally he will have to pay a customs fee. After the tax is paid, the cost of the goods will become much higher, respectively and sell it is much more expensive. So that you have not surprise the need to pay for the duty, it is important to start to study the rules of customs clearance with Aliexpress.
If you only decided to start your activities on Aliexpress, then you should also get acquainted with the article - "How to register and buy on AlExpress?".
Customs duty in 2021 for goods with Aliexpress in Russia: Rules, Documents
The rules of customs clearance for non-commercial purposes, and for personal acquisitions will remain in 2021 the same as in 2020.
Russia, perhaps, in 2021 he has the most loyal conditions for customerizing goods from China. Customers have the right to buy on Aliexpresswithout duty in the amount of up to 200 euros For a separate order. The weight of the parcel is important, he should not exceed 31 kg. If one of the limits is exceeded, it will be necessary to provide customs with the following documentation:
- A photocopy of passport
- An extract on account with which payment was made, and not with the details, namely with operations
- Screenshot S. Aliexpress about order
- It is desirable that you have a screenshot of the shopping itself, where its description is indicated and the price
- If the thing is bought with a big discount, then will additionally need confirmation from the seller
- But most often it is only the passport data you indicated in the order for the customs and the parcel cost specified by the package by the seller.
In controversial cases, when the information is provided, you will only have to fill out the application and tell you in detail why you bought the goods.
If the cost of the thing is, for example, 220 euros, then be prepared to pay 15% of the amount exceeding the limit, that is, from 220-200 \u003d 20 euros. In our case - this 20 x 15% \u003d 3 euro duty. To this amount will add 500 rubles of customs gathering, ate with you express delivery by private transport companies or a small amount for postage services for customs clearance, if delivery using mail. But it is much more profitable in the latter case to make payment of duty online. Then you are freed from the Postal Commission, since it does not spend efforts to design and accounting for funds for your package.
Immediately after the duty is paid, you will be given your package, so you will not have to wait for anything.
Where to pay customs duties with Aliexpress?
- A customs duty can be paid in the mail if you delivered your package.
- Also most often pay comes online. You get SMS with reference to the completed customs form and pay.
- When delivering the courier, you pay for a receipt for customs clearance.
- In controversial cases, you will be informed where to come and what documents to provide to pass and pay for customs clearance.
How much is the customs duty in 2021 during customs clearance of goods with AliExpress?
Russia is part of the Customs Union, where certain rules apply.
As we said, for one buyer you can order on 200 euros and by weight no more 31 kg 1 time.
What is good is that the restrictions do not act in time, and you can re-order without a duty.
But this does not apply to goods for commercial purposes. For example, 10 identical shirts or customs trousers will appreciate how a commercial parcel.
Therefore, so that you do not have to pay a duty, try to still be ordered to order on relatives, friends or acquaintances. Otherwise, even when a couple of euros is exceeded, you will have to pay a duty.
By the way, if you exceeded the limit by weight, the duty will be calculated somewhat differently. So, for each extra kilogram will have to pay 2 Euro.
If you have exceeded over a month you are both limit, then in this case, the duty will be calculated on both indicators, and pay you the amount that will be more, but not two at once.
Among other things, you should know that not all products with Aliexpress customs passes. Thus, there are prohibited things. Find out what is forbidden to buy on Aliexpress you can here.